A woman called Monika came to an appointment with a doctor of natural medicine. It was in a small Canadian town. There was one oncologist in the whole city and his wife suffered from migraines for 30 years. Her husband, the doctor, did not know how to help her. She received the best treatment from the best doctors, but nothing helped.
That day, she came to a session of natural medicine and acupuncture. The doctor checked her nutrition, checked her liver and gallbladder. They checked the neck, checked the pressure. Nothing helped.
One day, when she was supposed to leave the office, they discovered something.
At that time, the woman was 54 years old, and the migraine started at 24. What happened at 24? She said that she had been an opera singer for 5 years. At the age of 23, she married an oncologist. He got a promotion in a city far from Montreal. When she left Montreal, she left her career. And the migraine started exactly at the moment when she left her career. As soon as she gave up her career, her migraine started. She never realised it and did not connect these two facts in her head.
When they began to discuss how it all happened, the woman suddenly realized that she had a headache for 6 days out of 7. On what day did she not have a headache? On Sunday. Because she was singing in church that day. When she discovered this connection, her headache disappeared.
Many women suffer from headaches because they married a man who reminds them of their father.
This story marked the beginning of a new method called “recall healing.” By Gilbert Renaud. The essence of the method is that when we are faced with very strong stress in life, which our psyche is unable to cope with, this internal conflict goes into the subconscious, causing psychosomatic changes in the body there. We can get sick for years without realizing the true cause of the disease, and working only with the symptoms. That is why psychotherapy is so important, which allows you to release the conflict from the subconscious by simply speaking it out. Such methods include neurographica, because it also allows a person to penetrate into the subconscious and “cure” a conflict, or detect it.
We can have hundreds of such conflicts at the same time. Therefore, it is important to go to therapy and carry out preventive cleansing of the nervous system.
Just as we brush our teeth every day and take a shower, the mind also needs to be cleaned, like closing unnecessary tabs on a computer. Otherwise, all this takes away our resources and strength, not allowing us to build a life further.