How does our consciousness work, how does it interact with the surrounding world, its energies, and why is it said that thought is material?
For the first time, I came across a scientific explanation of these processes in the film “Secret 2”. Quantum physicists were invited to shoot, who tried to reveal the topic of the power of thought in a very incomprehensible language.
To be honest, then I couldn’t even watch the movie to the end. It was too abstruse). But over time, trying to figure out the truth, practicing and comparing various facts and theories, I was able to find a simple way to interpret processes at the level of eighth grade physics.
There are more than fifteen billion neural connections in our brain. They were formed from the moment of conception, the moment of fusion of the consciousness of the body and our soul (from about the 4th month after conception) and each experienced event left its imprint on our personality.
The body we are in is controlled by electrical signals transmitted through the “wires” of the nervous system.
From school physics, we remember that when an electric current moves through wires, an electromagnetic field forms around it. The human electromagnetic field is called the aura.
Almost all the equipment around us works on the principle of interaction of magnetic fields. Every living organism interacts with space in the same way with its aura. Regularly thinking over the same thought, we begin to radiate frequencies of this thought into space.
In fact, we become a magnet for those people, circumstances, sources of information, events that resonate at the same frequency. For example, a driver who has just purchased a new car, or having started looking for a specific model to buy, immediately begins to see a huge number of these cars on the roads. Our attention snatches out of the stream exactly what we are focused on!
During neurographica sessions we weaken one of the connections of our subconscious and build new neurons. The helpee begins to vibrate at new frequencies and change the space around him.
Sometimes changes occur directly during the session. Most often, new information is unpacked over the course of a week, sometimes a month…
Rarely, but this also happens – the client says that nothing worked out. It was all for nothing… But I was advised by a new doctor and other methods of treatment were prescribed. And the money was found for treatment…