Nothing is impossible in the world and almost any dream can be fulfilled. But often than we are stopped by our own beliefs, which chop down all cherished dreams. Think about how many times you have told yourself that you are not smart enough for this business or it is simply impossible. It is you who limits yourself in the first place, not external circumstances or other people. To remove interfering beliefs, it is necessary to identify and work through them. In this article, we will look at 5 effective ways to work out the beliefs that prevent us from developing.
Limiting beliefs are attitudes that defy criticism and analysis. Even when we want to go beyond our beliefs, our ego begins to resist. Such attitudes can be recognized by the following words: never, always, exactly, impossible, must, etc. As soon as we think about drastic changes, limiting beliefs stop our thoughts and seem to drain our strength. Here are common examples of restrictive attitudes:
You can’t make a mistake.
A person must solve his own problems himself.
I have to be successful to be loved and respected.
We need to listen to people’s criticism, they know exactly what’s best.
Strong people don’t know how to cry and give up.
I have to achieve everything right now.
I have to be better than others.
There are many other beliefs that can have both positive and negative effects. It is important to determine on your own which beliefs are bothering you and why they need to be replaced.
The main algorithm of Neurographica which is called “Algorithm of restricting beliefs removing” allows us to destroy outdated beliefs in our brain through following step by step drawing and create new neuron connections on paper. You may find this video tutorial on the main page of the website. If you need any help of you would like to work out any problem such as anxiety, insomnia, depression, limiting beliefs you may contact a Neurographic specialist through the contact form of the website.
Be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to simply drop your beliefs and start tomorrow with a clean slate. This is a rather long and time-consuming process.