We are in a hurry to live: the flow of events, emotions, impressions, meetings… We do not have time to reflect on them, to feel them, the picture is constantly changing. High speed is the main characteristic of modern human life.
In this whirlwind, the feeling of joy and pleasure is often lost. Many people live “at the limit”, in fear that they don’t have time for anything, and life is rushing by.
It’s important to stop now.
To hear yourself.
How do I feel now? What’s going on with me?
I generally like my life or something categorically does not suit me, but I can’t even figure out what exactly. There is no time to think – every new day brings new tasks and challenges.
All this, of course, negatively affects the quality of life. You can often hear complaints about a lack of energy, a person wakes up and feels tired in the morning. In such circumstances, it is difficult to remain sweet, caring, loving…
How to live at high speed and at the same time feel energetic, cheerful and able to “move mountains”?
How do I get back to the flow state?
Here I would like to quote the author of the method of Neurographics Pavel Piskarev:
“We need to work with such a concept as Time and do it graphically. We are able to stretch the time in our minds. In 15 minutes, you can expand so much that you can accommodate the whole universe. With the help of neurographic drawing, you can enter the flow state.”
Have you noticed that when you are very passionate about something, you do not notice how time goes by. And it also happens that in a couple of minutes a person lives so many emotions that they will last a lifetime.
Neurographica is called practice of flow. It is based on the basics of the human brain and nervous system.
To get the results, you need to know the principles of building a neural nozzle and the Basic algorithm of neurographics.
While drawing, you are left alone with yourself and enjoy living life in the moment. All the sorrows go away, you concentrate on your resources, on the theme of the drawing, there is no trace of anxiety. Drawing alone, in a comfortable and familiar environment, will help you to hear your innermost thoughts, concentrate on your desires, and find the best ways to solve your situation.
Neurographica puts a person into a state of flow automatically, by virtue of its technology. At the same time, no effort is needed. You just draw and track your emotions, feelings and sensations in your body.
What is happening to me right now?
The only mandatory rule is not to stop until you have rounded all the outlier intersections. The rest can be completed later.
You are caught up in the energy flow, and you are literally swinging on the amazing waves of neurographic practice.
The results of neurographica are amazing! This is the acquisition of peace of mind and even uplift, and most importantly (for this reason, many people come to neurography) it is the fulfilment of desires and help in achieving the most important goals.