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How to get rid of irrational guilt

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Have you ever felt guilty and yet you didn’t do anything wrong?

Nothing was smashed, no one was hit, no one was rude.

But there is still a constant feeling of guilt and inferiority. It is barely felt, then it becomes bright and strong, especially in a conversation with someone who imperceptibly presses hidden buttons in your soul.
These may be parents who complain about old age or poor health. And it’s not your fault, but you still feel guilty.
Or there is a disaster somewhere in the world, and you are doing well and you are relaxing at sea. And so you watch the news, and you feel guilty about your well-being.
This is called neurotic or irrational guilt. That is, not the real fault. If you, for example, broke a vase at a party, and you feel guilty, you buy a new one and the guilt passes. But you can’t make everyone happy at your own expense, so often irrational guilt haunts us.
Where does it come from?
Guilt is a manipulation technique that can be used to control a person and make them do what they need to do.
Parents often resort to this technique so that their children are obedient.
For example, “because of you, I work 10 hours at work, but you can’t do your homework properly,” or “we work at work to support you, but you can’t behave normally.”
When we are young, we cannot understand the lack of logic in such beliefs and get used to feeling guilty for no reason. These hooks remain in our psyche and then they are successfully used by bosses, the media, marriage partners, advertisers, religion and so on.
Just realising the feeling of guilt, you will not be able to remove it. Because it is a complex feeling that consists of shame, fear, inferiority complex and so on. It prevents us from free living, turning us into a puppet in the hands of skillful manipulators.
I suggest getting rid of it with the help of neurographica, because this tool allows you to immediately penetrate into the subconscious and remove all the hooks.
We take as a basis the main algorithm – the algorithm for removing restrictions. It’s on my Youtube channel.
But the list of words will be unusual.
We need to write out people and organisations who have ever accused us of something. It can be mom, dad, husband, wife, children, society, religion, and so on. Then, for each point, you need to write out accusatory phrases, for example. Mom – “you don’t call me”, “you only think about yourself”, “at your age it’s time to get married and have children.” Society – “you must die for the motherland”, “you are not good enough”. Etc.
The more you remember such accusations, the deeper the work will be.

Then we make a vigorous scribbling on paper and then follow the algorithm – rounding, coloring, field lines, fixing.

Track reactions throughout the body – these can be tears, dizziness, strong resistance. All this suggests that you have come to the right place.
Freed from guilt, you will become much freer and will no longer be easy prey for manipulators.

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