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The Path to Oneself

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Have you ever seen videos on the internet where a child is taken from an orphanage to a new family? Or when a dog is adopted from a shelter? The child often has a pale, expressionless face, wearing worn-out clothes, with an overall look of… Read More »The Path to Oneself

Healing tomatoes

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A friend of mine from Ukraine recently sent me a photo of a tomatoes that he had grown. I thought it was very cute and the tomatoes were really wonderful, but then I forgot about them. But later another friend sent me her tomatoes, and… Read More »Healing tomatoes

Who am I?

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When Michelangelo was asked:  how do you create such beautiful sculptures, he replied, “I just take a stone and cut off everything superfluous.” I used to think that finding myself and my way in life meant endless self-improvement, finding and eliminating flaws, constant learning and… Read More »Who am I?

The story of one migraine

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A woman called Monika came to an appointment with a doctor of natural medicine. It was in a small Canadian town. There was one oncologist in the whole city and his wife suffered from migraines for 30 years. Her husband, the doctor, did not know… Read More »The story of one migraine